

Only Quality Products

Royal Fruit’s products ripen according to natural cycles and are picked at the right time, so that the can guarantee the best nutritional properties as well as a signature taste.

Pesche Royal Fruit srl


Peach, a tasty and inviting, pleasant and nutritious fruit

The fruit of the peach has been appreciated since Antiquity thanks to its flavour and healthy properties. It is covered in a soft skin which can be velvety or smooth depending on the type. The original peach tree is from China, where it has always been considered a symbol of immortality, and its wonderful flowers have often been celebrated by artists such as poets and painters. The peach is easy to digest, makes one feel full fast and restores mineral salts our bodies lose in summertime.

FRANCOISE: May and June
SAGITTARIA: May and June
BORDEAUX: May and June
MAYCREST: June and July
SPRINGCREST: June and July
RICH LADY: June and July
ROYAL SUMMER: July and August
ROYAL GLORY: July and August
SWEET DREAM: July and August
O’ HENRY: August and September


ALEXANDRA: June and July
GRETA: June and July
MARIA BIANCA: June and July
UFO: June and July
ALIBIANCA: July and August
GLADIS: July and August
ROSA DEL WEST: July and August


BABY 6: July and August


Nectarine, for good cardiovascular and immune system health

The Nectarine is a fruit closely related to the peach. It’s produced by the Prunus persica var. nucipersica, species belonging to the Rosaceae family. Like other peaches, it is believed that it came to Europe from China, which would have allowed it to spread also in Central Asia and Persia.

PATAGONIA: May anc June
EARLY BOMB: May anc June
BIG BANG: June and July
BIG TOP: June, July and August
HONEY BLITZ: June and July
HONEY ROYAL: July and August
TARDERINA: July, August and September


BOREAL: June and July
MAGIQUE: June and July
TIFFANY: July and August


Apricot, beneficial fruit

The apricot tree is originally from North Eastern China, but has then been spread in Europe thanks to the Romans. It is part of the Rosaceae Family as well as cherries, peaches and plums. This velvet, orangish skinned skin with succulent pulp contains proteins, carbohydrates, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, copper, iron and chlorine. It is also rich in vitamins (A, B, C, PP) which work as an aid for body care and health.

MOGADOR: May and June
WONDER COT: May and June
MAGIC COT: May and June
LADY COT: May and June
FARALIA: June, July and August
NELSON: June, July and August
FLOPRIA: May and June
FARBALY: July and August
FARCLO’: July and August


The delicious, succulent and alluring grapes

Vitis Vinifera is a very old plant; its fruit, grapes, are to be savoured slowly. Grapes feature the shape of a berry, and colour and size vary depending on the the type and ripening. The best season for enjoying grapes’ taste is late summer and beginning of autums, when the fruit has fully ripened and all the nutritional properties in it have come to their completeness.

VITTORIA: July, August, October and November
ITALIA: August and September
LUISA (senza semi): August and September
RED GLOBE: August, September and October


The artichoke: an exquisite and nutritionally valued vegetable

It mainly consists of water and vegetal fibres which help body’s wellbeing. It has strong depurative properties, helping eliminate toxins, and contains vitamins B, C and K. Furthermore, it helps fight oxidation caused by LDL cholesterol. Italy is among the artichoke top producing Countries worldwide, having been cultivating it since XV century.

APOLLO: January, February, March, April, December
ROMANESCO: January, February, March, April
TEMA: January, February, December
VIOLETTO: January, February, March, April, May, October, November, December

The Packaging

Discover the various packaging formats with which we package our products to ship them on national and international markets.